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Orca Action Month

Southern Residents at Land Bank © Orca Network

Orca Awareness Month, started by long-time orca education and advocacy group Orca Network, was created to bring together researchers, advocates, and orca lovers everywhere to raise awareness of the threats facing these magnificent animals and provide a community to celebrate orcas of the Salish Sea. It has since evolved into “Orca Action Month,” as awareness has gained traction and rallying of community action is necessary to recover Southern Resident orcas. For 18 years, June has been proclaimed Orca Month by the Governor of Washington, and for the first time in 2016, Orca Month was celebrated in Oregon and British Columbia.

A History of Orca Awareness: 18 Years Strong
2024 marks the 18th year that Washingtonians celebrate Orca Month. Started by Susan Berta and Howard Garrett of Orca Network, Orca Month was created to bring together researchers, advocates, and orca lovers everywhere to raise the awareness of the threats facing these magnificent animals, the need to help them recover to a healthy population, and a way to provide a community to celebrate orcas of the Salish Sea. Celebrations have taken many forms over the years, from orca wine vintage dedications to orca songs, dances, and gubernatorial proclamations, to live events—and since 2020 —a multitude of live-streaming and recorded events too. Now coordinated by the Orca Salmon Alliance and partners listed below, multiple organizations have joined together to bring educational and celebratory events across the Salish Sea—and beyond—raising awareness of the threats facing the Southern Resident orca population and discovering what we ALL can do to act to protect them. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate!

Members of the Orca Salmon Alliance:

CBD standard_color_logo_for_web
Defenders of Wildlife
Endangered Species Coaltion
Friends of the san juans

Friends of the San Juans


Natural Resources Defense Council

Orca Network
Soundkeeper Logo
Whale Scout Logo vector

State Proclamations

Leaders from all over the Pacific Northwest region recognize the plight of the Southern Resident orcas by signing official proclamations designating June as Orca Action Month.

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